domingo, noviembre 29, 2009

Final Session: My Ideal Job

[Shame on me]

Ups! I didn`t see the last blog work, but well! Here is it :3

My Ideal Job

Firts, I need to start defining what is an ideal job for me ofcourse. This could be a little difficult I think... but.. here we go
My Ideal Job must be something that I really Enjoy do, always with a big smile on my face and all the energy to put it on it. Must be something idealy, with a good economic profit, this is "ideal" XD! and finaly but not less important, must help to others
Like future Vet I think this could be very possible, because this carrer have a big work area, but I must always put something of me to reach my ideal job.

I don`t want to be just a employe of some of the lot of Vet Practices here in Santiago or the Big boss of one....
I think my Ideal Job start working by my own, and without a touchable place to work
I know that the profits like a Vet are not very "big".... but I think if we do something with the same passion always, the economic aspect of this turns to a second or thirth place. But ofcourse, I must be able to reach a good income of money. Maybe with many different clients or I don`t know xD!

Now, thinking finally how could be my ideal job I imagine this:
All start in my parcel, with my West Highland white Terrier Farm, taking care and grooming them. Teaching the people to take care their westys and other Terriers Dogs, like Cairns or Norfolks. This is really but really Ideal.
Also, going to attend all my clients, responsible dogs owners and maintain contact with all the familys of the puppies I sell to be always giving advices to them.
This, complete all the needs I want of my future Ideal Job