martes, marzo 29, 2011

We Are Back! :D! 2011 New Session is my blog back, for the Intermediate English class during this 2011 first semester!
The topic of today blog is:

The 2010 Experience!

What a horrible year! seriously! It was all that necesary!? We started the last year with the earthquake of February 27th that made me escape for my father's apartment to my mom's house for one month! I was really in shock after that, but at least was a new experience of traumatizing horror for my life :D!
Because of this, we went back to the university like 2 weeks later of the original date and that made a very very compress calendar for the year.

The first semester was...... HELL! Do the subjects that I failed during the 2009 again was really annoying, like Zoology and Math. Biochemestry?? I really enjoyed it! because I finally could understand and say to myself "This is easy! What in the world happened to you that you didn't understand it!!!"
The other subjects of the formal second year of career were Epidemiology and Animal Behaviour and of course Anatomy that I epic FAILED it just with the first test.
The winter vacations.... ONLY ONE WEEK!?!?! WHAT?!? yes! one week for "relaxing" and batery recharging... no more comments for it -.-!!!
The second semester was... a lillte more academically strong, but better than the 1st! I DIDN'T FAILED ANY SUBJECT! and that was enough for me!

I have to thank that for a new year I have all my family and my friends with me and that's really important. Because without them xD the ~ Horror 2010 Year ~ could have been the worst year in Feño's History!

So we start this 2011 with new energy and more desire! and I hope that will be better than the last one! :D