martes, mayo 24, 2011

Challenges in Veterinary Medicine

Veterinary Medicine is a very wide career with tons of different activities on the work world, from teaching to animal production or even the conservation of wild species. In this point of view, the career could be of interest of many people and plus of many universities teach it (with seriously different difficulties between them) made the actual saturation of doctors in the work world, with many unemployed people and very low paid. This is think is the first big challenge of our disciple, because the teaching and the practice of veterinary medicine, I think, should be regulated and certificated and not to be see like the “little brother” of human medicine (of little don’t have nothing) There are many of faculties (most of them of private universities) imparting the career with a very poor curriculum and with no work future for their students. Maybe I could be a good idea to close a few of them and leave only the best ones and make a strong system of certification, also making more easy the changes with international students, foreign scholarships and access to magisters and PhDs .

Medicine is a science disciple so it’s very attached to technological advances and discovers, so I see that the technology challenge is the second of the list. Searching new medicines and new medical practices could improve, not only the impact to the patients, also the teaching and the future comprehension of old things. Unfortunately these advances are very slow and expensive, but the gains of them are crucial in the understanding and in the improvement of the career.

Anyway there is a lot of work to do for our career not only for us right now, but for the future generations that will study this discipline because we must conserve the privilege and the lucky of study the most beautiful (but difficult) career of all.

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