lunes, mayo 23, 2011

Education in Chile

The education in Chile I think that is THE biggest problem of the country because education is the main pillar of a good society, the only way to guarantee a future and a social advance is with this!

It’s ridiculous that the state spends 500.000 pesos in a prisoner and no more of 25.000 pesos in a scholar grant, come on!! It’s a little stupid!

The educational program is also a very very poor program! It must be remade watching to other good programs of other countries.

Also the Universities must be restarted, privileging of course the states one because the private ones can afford they own needs alone, but for both I think there must be a new system of selection and a “universal” base of knowledge (that state and private ones must have the same educational level)

In all of this the state role is fundamental because

they must ensure the future of the country, new laws and reforms for scholar and university education must be raised and also a promotion in t

he families, because is in there were the first steps of education of everyone starts.

1 comentario:

  1. The education in Chile I think that is THE biggest problem of the country because education is the main pillar of a good society, the only way to guarantee a future and a social advance is with this!

    It’s ridiculous that the state spends 500.000 pesos in a prisoner and no more of 25.000 pesos in a scholar grant, come on!! It’s a little stupid!

    The educational program is also a very very poor program! It must be WW remade watching to other good programs of other countries.

    Also the Universities must be restarted, privileging of course the states one because the private ones can afford they own needs alone, but for both I think there must be a new system of selection and a “universal” base of knowledge (that state and private ones must have the same educational level)

    In all of this the state role is fundamental because

    they must ensure the future of the country, new laws and reforms for WW scholar and university education must be raised and also a promotion in the families, because is in there were the first steps of education of everyone starts.

    so 500 in a con? you´re right that´s ridiculous!!
