viernes, octubre 16, 2009

First Blog Session: My Favourite Piece of Technology

Well, this is my first assignment for the english blog
In the session of today I will write about my favourite piece of technology, basically the "you must own" thing and something that actually I can`t live without it

My Mobil Phone

This is a Blackberry Flip Model 8220.
I bought this jewel almost a year ago, because I want to change my old Nokia Phone
It`s today an extension of my hand, because I can do almost everything and ofcourse I`m all day with it

Some basic characteristics:
- Clap Shell style phone
- Colour Screen
- Mobile Intenet
- Send and receive e-mails
- Great MP3 and Video Player
- Photograph camera
- Messenger, Facebook, Flick and all those Social networks thing

I use it all the day, to stay in touch with my family, my father and my brother specially, also I can read all the mails of my Gmail and Hotmail accounts.
I use the Internet browser to checks some news in the Emol page, watch some videos in Youtube and ofcouse keep my Status always update on Facebook.

I`m always inform of what it`s happening

I can`t imagine my life now without it, because it`s a very important part of my daily activities, I can have all thing organized with it and be connected with the world everywhere I´m


2 comentarios:

  1. jajajajaaja Feño, your cell phone is so cool man!!
    I want a blackberry too!
    bye dude :)

  2. You will not see Feño without his cell phone! I think it is an extension of his body!!!
    take care Feño!
