viernes, octubre 30, 2009

Session 3: Webside I enjoy visiting!

My Facebook

Guilty Pleasure! >.<
Well, this is the page that I really enjoy to visit....well everyday xD!
Facebook it`s all... the reason from study and the reason to not study
I like this page beacuse I can public all the thinks that I like, music, videos, phases, photos and all of that
Also I can comment my friends status, sometimes are really
philosophical battles with some good arguments and ofcourse the obligatory "juice" (silly words or jokes xD)
The aplications of the Facebook page are other importart thing of this xD, like the "never usefull" test, that never say something good, the "fortune cookie", tarot online (xD!!! yesss tarot!!!). And others more developed aplications like "Restaurant City", "Ninja Saga" and "Biggest Brain"... well all of this take my presure time of study >.<

With Facebook I found some old friends of my others schools and I can remake contact with them, and it`s really nice!! Because you don`t need the number of your mobile phone friend, or the address, in Facebook page you can put all that, so it`s very easy to maintain the contact with them

Well, finally, and not less important, it`s the Facebook application for my mobile phone! that allows me to be always connect to my Facebook main page, and use all the options if I`m not in my computer!


[to see my Facebook main page, just add me!]

5 comentarios:

  1. You forgot the most important aplication!! farm town xD.. I love facebook too!
    ps: comment my blog

  2. hi again!
    i know that you love facebook,you are always with your cell phone on your's really funny...

  3. hi feñ are you and you little dog? XD
    ooh facebook...the capitalist tool for excelence...jajá, it's a joke...yes, facebook is a funny page...Guilty Pleasure! XDDDD

  4. [to see my Facebook main page, just add me!]
    3 comentarios
    Second Blog Session: A Photograph I Like

    I really, really love this photo
    It was taken by me, like 2 weeks ago when my little Aura visit the University.
    Well, Aura is a West Highland Withe Terrier of 6 months, most of my friend didn't know her so I took her to the university a day with no some much class xD
    It was a wonderful morning, because she ran and played alot... and almost was raped by a big dog >.<

    In the photo she was in the arms of her uncle Edu and the face of the little one just kill me, it so much like a teddy *-*
    Also, next to Aura was Alicia, the other extremly happy new "uncle" xD
    and behind was Denisse, the other happy one xD

    Great morning, Aura met a new place to play and run without stop, my friends enjoyed be with her and ofcourse I was soo much happy for be there with all them!

    2 comentarios

    raped!! pooor thing...
    p.s. you got a 7
    Night Juice xD
    Just some night juice, some good music, Facebook and chating in my Messenger.
    Exploring in the web some new themes to improve my old-fashion new blog xD!
    Just posting to test the new one.. and maybe then play a while with de HTML code :P

    0 comentarios
    First Blog Session: My Favourite Piece of Technology

    Well, this is my first assignment for the english blog
    In the session of today I will write about my favourite piece of technology, basically the "you must own" thing and something that actually I can`t live without it

    My Mobil Phone

    This is a Blackberry Flip Model 8220.
    I bought this jewel almost a year ago, because I want to change my old Nokia Phone
    It`s today an extension of my hand, because I can do almost everything and ofcourse I`m all day with it

    Some basic characteristics:
    - Clap Shell style phone
    - Colour Screen
    - Mobile Intenet
    - Send and receive e-mails
    - Great MP3 and Video Player
    - Photograph camera
    - Messenger, Facebook, Flick and all those Social networks thing

    I use it all the day, to stay in touch with my family, my father and my brother specially, also I can read all the mails of my Gmail and Hotmail accounts.
    I use the Internet browser to checks some news in the Emol page, watch some videos in Youtube and ofcouse keep my Status always update on Facebook.

    I`m always inform of what it`s happening

    I can`t imagine my life now without it, because it`s a very important part of my daily activities, I can have all WF thing organized with it and be connected with the world everywhere I´m


    well done but i think is a bit short...

    p.s. you got a 5.7

  5. Guilty Pleasure! >.<
    Well, this is the page that I really enjoy to visit....well everyday xD!
    Facebook it`s all... the reason from study and the reason to not WF study
    I like this page beacuse I can public all the SP thinks that I like, music, videos, phases, photos and all of that
    Also I can comment my friends status, sometimes are really
    philosophical battles with some good arguments and ofcourse the obligatory "juice" (silly words or jokes xD)
    The aplications of the Facebook page are other importart thing of this xD, like the "never SP usefull" test, that never say something good, the "fortune cookie", tarot online (xD!!! yesss tarot!!!). And others more developed aplications like "Restaurant City", "Ninja Saga" and "Biggest Brain"... well all of this take my presure time of WF study >.<

    With Facebook I found some old friends of my others schools and I can WW remake contact with them, and it`s really nice!! Because you don`t need the number of your mobile phone friend, or the address, in Facebook page you can put all that, so it`s very easy to maintain the contact with them

    Well, finally, and not less important, it`s the Facebook application for my mobile phone! that allows me to be always connect to my Facebook main page, and use all the options if I`m not in my computer!


    you look lie a real fan!! well done!
    p.s. you got a 6.7
