viernes, octubre 23, 2009

Second Blog Session: A Photograph I Like

I really, really love this photo
It was taken by me, like 2 weeks ago when my little Aura visit the University.
Well, Aura is a West Highland Withe Terrier of 6 months, most of my friend didn't know her so I took her to the university a day with no some much class xD
It was a wonderful morning, because she ran and played alot... and almost was raped by a big dog >.<

In the photo she was in the arms of her uncle Edu and the face of the little one just kill me, it so much like a teddy *-*
Also, next to Aura was Alicia, the other extremly happy new "uncle" xD
and behind was Denisse, the other happy one xD

Great morning, Aura met a new place to play and run without stop, my friends enjoyed be with her and ofcourse I was soo much happy for be there with all them!


2 comentarios:

  1. you love your dog!!!
    you have a beautiful pet, congratulations!
    see you

  2. your dog is beautiful!
    my dreams dog is always been a little white one
    and i will have one and his name will be "Mr.Jingles" jaja
    take care
