martes, abril 26, 2011


Improving my Faculty

The topic of today is analyzing the status of the Veterinarian Faculty and what things of it I would change about…

I think that the faculty has lots of good thing but also really bad things, first the infrastructure of it is really good, have tons of green areas and is quite safe, against for example, earthquakes. The qualities of the rooms are good and comfortable and lie in the grass during the time “windows” is nice. The bad things are basically the ubication, Santa Rosa is a very unsafe place especially for students! The casino is really bad and expensive and we don’t have a BIP! Charging totem in this insolate place….

The things I would improve are the Library, with more books, better equipment and personal (nicer please) also the Study Secretary, because they always give wrong or confuse information, maybe more personal would be better. Making more classrooms could be also a good idea but if is only attached with contract more teachers

I think that all the curriculum must be replanted and make some serious changes about the number or years of the career and the subjects, also giving us time to take electives, not only here, but also in other faculties (Like in the FAU that have Bow Practice *o*)

Anyway, I really love the faculty and the university, but is a real fact that it could be better with a better organization and maybe listening to what the students really want and not only what the market or the teachers says.

martes, abril 19, 2011


The topic of today's blog is about a country I would like to visit.... and the answer to me is instant:

~ Japan is All ~

Why I want to go? Because they are an amazing culture, that combines ancient traditions and technological improves. It's a very orderly country were the respect to the other is the pilar of they society.
Also they are the kings in technology! you will find ALL the last gadgets there. I'm very fan of videogames and japanise pop music (j-pop)Japan is the first country where new games are launched and only there are the cds and dvds of my favourites japan singers and bands (if I had a credit card I would buy them online, but I don't have one and the shipping takes a lot)

I know very little about the history of the country (...oh wait I also don't know much about my own contry... so.. xD) But they are the only nation that have been atacked with a nuclear bomb on the human history (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) but they raised up and now are one of the economical powers of the world! They are an example to follow in every line! And now with the earthquake of March they will demostrate us again how amazing they are.

If I go to Japan I really want to travel over all the country! Going shopping in Tokyo would be awesome! Buy videogames, music, come tech things! Travel on the super speed train to other regions like Osaka, Kyoto or Hiroshima. Taste the original japanise food like rice cakes, octopus rolls, ramen soup and all the thing we watch in the animes xD Also go to a music concert and to the Pokemon Center!! (Shop with only pokemon merchandise)I REALLY CAN'T WAIT TO THAT MOMENT!!!

To think about going to study, work or live there I personally think that I should travel there firts like a tourits. Because the "day dreaming" is a thing and reality can be or not like that dream.
If I like Japan ofcourse I'll like to try to do something there, maybe a master or a PhD and if the things are good enought think in stay there permanently (If the Earthquakes or the volcanos don't destroy the island fisrt T-T)
But the start of this plan, must be learning japanise...

sábado, abril 16, 2011


The topic of today blog is about the Transantiago, the mobilization public system of the Big Santiago city.

The system starts fully operational form early 2007 full of new “hopes” and trying to innovate in compare of the previous system of the famous Yellow buses.

I think that this system have only 2 good things, the first is that the drivers no manage money on road and that the buses are quite better than the old ones, now the problems are that the city roads are not fit for this buses and that is the reason of why all of them are in a very bad condition. The other one is that the people don’t pay. The administration system of the yellow buses was also (I think) better than the current one, because it didn’t have the present “negative balance”, fault of the BIP! Card and the people that don’t pay, but here is the little problem, the BIP! Card allows to the bus drivers to not have money on the bus, but the people don’t pay the tariff, but before, the drivers had money and they were target of thieves but the people that don’t paid, practically couldn't board. This is basically a culture problem, maybe in Europe, the people wouldn’t do it.

I didn’t used the system until I went to the university and I have the holy luck that the bus that passes in front of my apartment leaves me in the front of the faculty. So I can’t describe the evolution of the system view of my perspective because I’m a new user (of the buses, because I use a lot of Subway) Anyway, the only change that I have notice are some new tours.

I think that some changes that I could apply are to trying finish the avoid of pay, because is the main problem. How? I don’t know, maybe with police on board 24/7 or changing the BIP! Card for other thing. But it’s a cultural problem, so it’s gonna be very difficult eliminate it

martes, abril 05, 2011

My Pets: Aura ~ Love is All~

The blog of today, it's about our pets......
We are Veterinary students so it's logical to us to have TONS of pets is our homes, but this is not my case :B I live in a apartment, I don't have garden! I can't have to much animals there, but just with my dog, my house is really full of joy and funny!

I really like dogs (more than cats .. iug :s) but I love a specific breed more than any one! The West Highland White terrier is actually the type of dog that change my life. I meet with this breed because a friend of mine bought a little puppy and I loved it! So I decided to try to buy one

In 2009 my dog came to my life, baptized with the name of Aura (thanks to my mother) she arrived to my home during July with only 2 months of life! She was so cute *-*
She is really a bright light in my house, always playing, running around and sleeping in the most hidden places of de living room.

She is really smart and acrobat, jumping to the sofa or to the beds like a cat xD. Makes a special "welcoming ceremony" for each person in my house. For example to my dad, she
requires petting in her back while is standing with her two legs. To me, stay in the place where she is, puts her ears back and moves the tail, when I approach to her, she jumps and starts licking my face :3

Actually Aura has 2 years, she is very big! but it's still my baby puppy! She is not a pet, she is officially the most important member of my crazy family
I hope in the future, raise and breed this race, because I really want to give to other people, the magical moments that Aura has given to me.