sábado, abril 16, 2011


The topic of today blog is about the Transantiago, the mobilization public system of the Big Santiago city.

The system starts fully operational form early 2007 full of new “hopes” and trying to innovate in compare of the previous system of the famous Yellow buses.

I think that this system have only 2 good things, the first is that the drivers no manage money on road and that the buses are quite better than the old ones, now the problems are that the city roads are not fit for this buses and that is the reason of why all of them are in a very bad condition. The other one is that the people don’t pay. The administration system of the yellow buses was also (I think) better than the current one, because it didn’t have the present “negative balance”, fault of the BIP! Card and the people that don’t pay, but here is the little problem, the BIP! Card allows to the bus drivers to not have money on the bus, but the people don’t pay the tariff, but before, the drivers had money and they were target of thieves but the people that don’t paid, practically couldn't board. This is basically a culture problem, maybe in Europe, the people wouldn’t do it.

I didn’t used the system until I went to the university and I have the holy luck that the bus that passes in front of my apartment leaves me in the front of the faculty. So I can’t describe the evolution of the system view of my perspective because I’m a new user (of the buses, because I use a lot of Subway) Anyway, the only change that I have notice are some new tours.

I think that some changes that I could apply are to trying finish the avoid of pay, because is the main problem. How? I don’t know, maybe with police on board 24/7 or changing the BIP! Card for other thing. But it’s a cultural problem, so it’s gonna be very difficult eliminate it

2 comentarios:

  1. Honey F! i totally agree with you about the culture problem! I think we have to learn that you have to pay for the services that are offered to us...and maybe that would brings us even more benefits like a cheaper ticket price :)

    Loves! <3

  2. The topic of today blog is about the Transantiago, the mobilization public system of the Big Santiago city.

    The system starts fully operational form early 2007 full of new “hopes” and trying to innovate in compare of the previous system of the famous Yellow buses.

    I think that this system SVA have only 2 good things, the first is that the drivers ^no manage money on road and that the buses are quite better than the old ones, now the problems are that the city roads are not fit for this buses and that is the reason of why all of them are in a very bad condition. The other one is that the people don’t pay. The administration system of the yellow buses was also (I think) better than the current one, because it didn’t have the present “negative balance”, fault of the BIP! Card and the people that don’t pay, but here is the little problem, the BIP! Card allows to the bus drivers to not have money on the bus, but the people don’t pay the WW tariff, but before, the drivers had money and they were target of thieves but the people that don’t WF paid, practically couldn't board. This is basically a culture problem, maybe in Europe, the people wouldn’t do it.

    I didn’t WF used the system until I went to the university and I have the holy luck that the bus that passes in front of my apartment leaves me in the front of the faculty. So I can’t describe the evolution of the system view of my perspective because I’m a new user (of the buses, because I use a lot of Subway) Anyway, the only change that I have WF notice are some new tours.

    I think that some changes that I could apply are WW to trying ^finish the avoid of WF pay, because is the main problem. How? I don’t know, maybe with police on board 24/7 or changing the BIP! Card for other thing. But it’s a cultural problem, so it’s gonna be very difficult eliminate it

    good! I totally agree with you, the problem is not only the system but the culture
