martes, abril 05, 2011

My Pets: Aura ~ Love is All~

The blog of today, it's about our pets......
We are Veterinary students so it's logical to us to have TONS of pets is our homes, but this is not my case :B I live in a apartment, I don't have garden! I can't have to much animals there, but just with my dog, my house is really full of joy and funny!

I really like dogs (more than cats .. iug :s) but I love a specific breed more than any one! The West Highland White terrier is actually the type of dog that change my life. I meet with this breed because a friend of mine bought a little puppy and I loved it! So I decided to try to buy one

In 2009 my dog came to my life, baptized with the name of Aura (thanks to my mother) she arrived to my home during July with only 2 months of life! She was so cute *-*
She is really a bright light in my house, always playing, running around and sleeping in the most hidden places of de living room.

She is really smart and acrobat, jumping to the sofa or to the beds like a cat xD. Makes a special "welcoming ceremony" for each person in my house. For example to my dad, she
requires petting in her back while is standing with her two legs. To me, stay in the place where she is, puts her ears back and moves the tail, when I approach to her, she jumps and starts licking my face :3

Actually Aura has 2 years, she is very big! but it's still my baby puppy! She is not a pet, she is officially the most important member of my crazy family
I hope in the future, raise and breed this race, because I really want to give to other people, the magical moments that Aura has given to me.

1 comentario:

  1. The blog of today, it's about our pets......
    We are Veterinary students so it's logical to us to have TONS of pets is our homes, but this is not my case :B I live in a apartment, I don't have garden! I can't have to WW much animals there, but just with my dog, my house is really full of joy and WF funny!

    I really like dogs (more than cats .. iug :s) but I love a specific WFbreed more than any one! The West Highland White terrier is actually the type of dog that TENSE change my life. I TENSE meet with this breed because a friend of mine bought a little puppy and I loved it! So I decided to try to buy one

    In 2009 my dog came to my life, baptized with the name of Aura (thanks to my mother) she arrived to my home during July with only 2 months of life! She was so cute *-*
    She is really a bright light in my house, always playing, running around and sleeping in the most hidden places of de living room.

    She is really smart and acrobat, jumping to the sofa or to the beds like a cat xD. ^ Makes a special "welcoming ceremony" for each person in my house. For example to my dad, she requires petting in her back while is standing with her two legs. To me, WF stay in the place where she is, puts her ears back and moves the tail, when I approach to her, she jumps and starts licking my face :3

    Actually Aura has 2 years, she is very big! but it's still my baby puppy! She is not a pet, she is officially the most important member of my crazy family
    I hope in the future, WF raise and breed this WW race, because I really want to give to other people, the magical moments that Aura has given to me.

    well done! i can see a lot of development in your ideas this time.
    aura is fantastic!
