martes, abril 26, 2011


Improving my Faculty

The topic of today is analyzing the status of the Veterinarian Faculty and what things of it I would change about…

I think that the faculty has lots of good thing but also really bad things, first the infrastructure of it is really good, have tons of green areas and is quite safe, against for example, earthquakes. The qualities of the rooms are good and comfortable and lie in the grass during the time “windows” is nice. The bad things are basically the ubication, Santa Rosa is a very unsafe place especially for students! The casino is really bad and expensive and we don’t have a BIP! Charging totem in this insolate place….

The things I would improve are the Library, with more books, better equipment and personal (nicer please) also the Study Secretary, because they always give wrong or confuse information, maybe more personal would be better. Making more classrooms could be also a good idea but if is only attached with contract more teachers

I think that all the curriculum must be replanted and make some serious changes about the number or years of the career and the subjects, also giving us time to take electives, not only here, but also in other faculties (Like in the FAU that have Bow Practice *o*)

Anyway, I really love the faculty and the university, but is a real fact that it could be better with a better organization and maybe listening to what the students really want and not only what the market or the teachers says.

2 comentarios:

  1. I agree with what you said about the study secretary, we need a better one! the secretaries don`t know anything! jaja

  2. Improving my Faculty

    The topic of today is analyzing the status of the Veterinarian Faculty and what things of it I would change about…

    I think that the faculty has lots of good thing but also really bad things, first the infrastructure of it is really good, SVA have tons of green areas and is quite safe, against for example, earthquakes. The qualities of the rooms are good and comfortable and lie in the grass during the time “windows” is nice. The bad things are basically the ubication, Santa Rosa is a very unsafe place especially for students! The casino is really bad and expensive and we don’t have a BIP! Charging totem in this insolate place….

    The things I would improve are the Library, with more books, better equipment and personal (nicer please) also the Study Secretary, because they always give wrong or WF confuse information, maybe more personal would be better. Making more classrooms could be also a good idea but if is only attached with contract more teachers

    I think that all the curriculum must be replanted and make some serious changes about the number or years of the career and the subjects, also giving us time to take electives, not only here, but also in other faculties (Like in the FAU that have Bow Practice *o*)

    Anyway, I really love the faculty and the university, but is a real fact that it could be better with a better organization and maybe listening to what the students really want and not only what the market or the SVA teachers says

    well done! you know? I think the whole system of the university makes more difficult getting more teachers, or even with contracts :(

